Haweswater the last part I promise

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Spoiler: our Haweswater circular walk did not end in premature demise through being butchered by angry stags despite the blood curdling barks echoing over the mountains. There were at least 2, I'm inclined to think 3 but we couldn't pinpoint any from over the other side of the reservoir.
Our circular walk mid point was at the Mardale End car park where we spotted a small notice explaining that the footpath we needed was closed for 'health and safety reasons' which was met by my deeply furrowed brow and expletives as to why this hadn't been made clear at the other end...

As it turned out, the path was virtually undetectable in most places, it has clearly not been walked regularly enough to keep it clear. I imagine when presented with a choice of lovely clear road or thrashing through undergrowth on a slope the obvious winner gets the foot traffic. As it was mid October there really wasn't much using the road on out 5 mile route march.

If you missed the first instalments catch part one and part two if you fancy it.

I would recommend this as an easy 10 mile route for walkers who like views but don't especially fancy heading up to dizzy heights for it. A good stretch of water and mountains surrounding are equally beautiful.
Take care,

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