What a difference a frost makes

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

What a difference a frost makes. On 5th November this was the state of our allotment, still a few flowers in bloom. Now the cosmos, zinnias and dahlias are sludge (and removed) though to be fair the marigolds, scabious and cornflowers still retain a degree of respectability.

The cosmos before the frost and below, after. Since been ripped up. 

Broad beans coming from spring. Purple sprouting broccoli is premature but I'll take it.

Sprouts, leeks and cabbage. Winter staples.

The flowers have self sown and so I've left them - I think these are larkspur and will be winter hardy. No matter if not. The snail shells are my cane toppers.

The wallflowers have let themselves down by blooming too early, I wanted these for spring! Nature plays by it's own rules.
Below, a lovely seed pod of 'love in a mist'.

Mesembrythemums have bloomed late, beyond expectations.

The wood chip we used as a weed suppressant round the hedging has brought lots of dainty mushrooms.
Take care,

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