Les miserables days

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

After the terrifyingly high temperatures of last week, the fall back into cold and rainy days felt all the more unsettling. It wasn't like this when I was young. The forecast for a wet weekend meant I had planned to tackle some batch cooking and pottering in the garden, both of which were achieved. We also popped out for a walk in the rain just because, and besides, we tend to go stir crazy stuck indoors. Why not head out for a soaking?.
It feels like my camera hardly ever gets to come out these days. Our weekend of Latitude meant it sat collecting dust and there haven't been many outings for it all summer really. Sometimes I feel like I want it with me at all times, as it's those chance finds, those views which suddenly present themselves which make fantastic content.
The light is working against m here. It's absence is felt.
Sweet chestnut flower-y discards.

Rosebay willowherb adding a dramatic pink pop.
We disturbed a deer which had quite a long run to escape our line of sight.
Berries appearing here and there.
Is it ladies bedstraw?

I love gangly patches of wild growth.
Rainy days are slug heavy.
Yes, we need the rain but can it be restricted to overnight or midweek so we can at least get out at the weekend?!

Take care,

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