Seeing beyond

Monday, May 11, 2020

The long weekend was a puzzler, with two hot days and a wintry one. I'd set my heart on getting the allotment all up to date with weeding (impossible- ish) but the gales and intermittent drizzle put me right off yesterday. I finally finished up my painting of the hawthorn tree in the garden which has been two years in the making. Yes, that's how long I'd put off getting it completed, shocking. There's a part of me which is convinced I want to paint. I do, I really do BUT I have not only no idea how to paint but also I feel guilty about wasting time on that that I could or should be spending outdoors.
Yesterday, with it's horrible weather on a mid May day with the tree in full blossom, the way it was when I started the painting two years ago was the perfect time to dedicate to a little artistry. In fact it took virtually no time at all to finish that one so I decided to start another much smaller piece but that's another story.
Here's some pictures from some day recently.

 Yellow archangel

 Super speedwell and greater stitchwort - love the blue with the white, so pretty.

 Trees growing out of trees
 Chickweed and below red campion

 Thick sleeves of hawthorn blossom

 The first dog rose out! You saw it here first.
 Curious lunches webbed to branches?
 Bluebells and views

 Hedge mustard putting in an appearance.
 Vetch. Common.

 Common bird's foot trefoil above and below possibly black bryony with those glossy heart shaped leaves.

Black medick above and lovely to see red clover below though sadly such a notable lack of this in years before.

Take care,

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