A wordy one
Friday, June 06, 2014Things have been all go, go, go lately and don't show any signs of slowing up. It's mostly all my fault; taking on things that are fun for my own pleasure but it all takes up time, doesn't it? Full time work is just that; full time, compounding on top of that trying to cook properly most nights, regular exercise and daily dog walking it doesn't leave anything much left of the day. Contrary to my aim for 2014 to get more sleep, I think I'm getting less than last year. There ought to be alarm bells ringing when I feel chuffed if my phone declares any more than six hours straight til it's set to wake me up.
Jumper and shorts - charity shops, boots - Sarenza, necklace - giveaway win, tights - George at Asda
The 10 – midnight slot is when the blogging gets done, most of the time in pyjamas but always on the sofa under a blanket. What can I say, I'm a creature of habit with a taste for comfortable sleepwear. Two hours sounds like a jolly decent amount of time when I think about it (in fact other days it's more, or less but rarely none at all); one hundred and twenty minutes but in typical Sophie fashion it gets frittered away on this/that/the other often with very little done to show for it.
The problem with taking lots of pictures is that I then spend forever looking through them, choosing which ones to use and editing, renaming and attempting to store the somewhere memorable (it helps) before any writing even starts.
This blog has always been something of an outpouring of enthusiasm of what I'm up to or a place to let off steam. Just sharing my interests has been rewarding enough but I've also made some lovely friends as well as been lucky enough to be on the receiving end of some exciting opportunities too .