Why are you my clarity
Wednesday, August 06, 2014A little time to stop and think is most welcome at weekends. I'm keeping myself ridiculously busy during the week; it's hard to juggle full time work, a dog, an exercise regime of workouts and runs, a new mystery hobby (can't tell for the moment I'm afraid!), oh and a blog alongside the chores. It's probably a good thing I have no nearby friends to socialise with as they wouldn't get much of a look in. On that front I certainly count myself as having far more friends than ever before thanks to blogging and Twitter, they definitely count.
Alice mentioned how blogging has changed lives, it really has changed mine without a shadow of a doubt. Jotting down thoughts, sharing experiences as well as taking endless photographs has been therapeutic of sorts, it's let me express myself exactly how and when I wish which is liberating. You have to check out Alice's new blog Fig Love!
What I intended to say in this post was that I find it hard to find a way to unwind. When other people talk about yoga or mediation I get rather jealous that they can do something so calm and relaxing to really clear the mind. My problem is that as soon as I'm left to sit peacefully for half a minute I fall asleep, at pretty much any time of the day. Even the bath is a bit of a no-go zone for a relax as I've almost drifted off on more than one occasion and frankly that's just dangerous.
It's always been the same story; I drop off to sleep quick as a flash so it's not just down to getting overtired or pushing myself too far. Even putting the laptop away and sitting down to watch something on TV it's pretty much guaranteed I'll nod off after a short time.
Escaping to somewhere pretty at the weekends is my only kind of 'quiet time' as such if you don't count workout and running time (which are pleasant but the mind is compromised under body stress conditions). Being able to wander at leisure along the sand or following grassy paths gives a much welcome opportunity to think of whatever I like, or nothing at all in the great outdoors with some lovely fresh air to breathe with a little sunshine to keep me smiling.
How do you relax?