Closer inspection
Friday, September 02, 2016
I can't fully qualify why this dress hasn't been worn yet this summer, only that I plead ignorance and promise to wear it more than once a year henceforth. Do you remember how I wore it last year? Yes, in a virtually identical manner. That's because it's that prime sort of number which requires no tinkering with; wear it and pick your accessories. Shoes if necessary. Ankle boots are of course my preference. I live in ankle boots which is just as well being that my best tan in the last decade stretches only to to the end of my tibia but no further, so my caspian feet need to remain hidden on those grounds, if no other. In fact last night I had to chuckle in front of the mirror as it looked like I was wearing some kind of strange patchy bodysuit of brown and white. Who has the time to get an even tan?
I ought to pass comment about these new hair accessories. An impulse purchase from Tesco the other week. Much as I adore the bold simplicity of these flat flowers, I omitted to take into account that they would dwarf my head with their mighty size! Thank goodness my hair is so long else people may think that a flower has grown legs and contravened all modern understanding of genetic evolution.That lace though.... It may be Primark (charity shopped at that) but by gum, it's pretty.
Yes to smiling in the sunshine. Yes to closer inspection of summer flowering heathers.
Take care,