Taking a break and getting home
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Now, you may not have noticed but I sneaked away for a fortnight and arrived home yesterday. It does the soul good to escape in it's entirety to a new landscape and new skies. Our destinations were the Brecon Beacons in Wales and Devon. I drank coffees to the backdrop of the sun rising and munched buttery crumpets most mornings.
The mornings waking up to this view were priceless. A window from floor to hip is a tad unusual but as it was a converted barn we stayed in, who was I to protest? Sleeping with the curtains wide open with only the gentle rolling hills and grazing horses separating us from the sun rising.
It goes without saying that we went out exploring. I have so many pictures to sort through, edit and share, hopefully many will make it here over the next couple of weeks.
There will be so much to bring you in Autumn nevertheless, we'll see what makes it into each post. I've got my new season plans and aims to share soon too.
Keep your eyes peeled.
Sophie x
We discovered Scrabble. Yes, everyone has played before but as we've not got the game at home it was a real novelty. Evenings spent pondering the little bench of seven letters which seem to spell absolutely nothing in their own right but have desperately got to fit onto an uninviting board.
It goes without saying that we went out exploring. I have so many pictures to sort through, edit and share, hopefully many will make it here over the next couple of weeks.
There will be so much to bring you in Autumn nevertheless, we'll see what makes it into each post. I've got my new season plans and aims to share soon too.
Keep your eyes peeled.
Sophie x