The weekend in the garden

Monday, April 16, 2018

Oh the weekend was a lovely one, save for the late appearance of rain clouds which emptied their load in the garden just as we were hoping to light the barbecue for our Sunday dinner. Such a nuisance. That aside I feel like I've been very lucky! Saturday was a dry day with bouts of sunshine; even raising temperatures to t-shirt weather by the afternoon. Sadly the allotment is still too soggy to plant potatoes or sieve for delicate root vegetables and even to mow the grass. Our one job on the agenda was to plant out the replacement broad beans which was completed in haste as we intended to return home in time to catch the Grand National coverage on TV. Neither of us picked the winner, nor any in the top six finishers.
Sunday saw us accumulate a load of bits and bobs for the recycling centre and when I sought out my broken footwear to take,this beautiful butterfly appeared and posed for me. I'm calling this one a small white (even though it's yellow).  

The garden is growing before my very eyes. The peonies are looking strong and healthy (above )
Below, the viburnum x bodnantense Charles Lamont has transformed from a couple of naked sticks into a leafy shrub. One year it will flower over winter and fulfil my winter flowery dreams.

Daffodils, tulips...

Hyacinths and the photinia red robin.

BBQ lit! Yes, it's a monster, but the outdoor cuisine maestro delights in it.
Below, I even managed to trim, tidy and feed my chrysanthemums. They'll have to live outside a while as there just isn't room in the greenhouse for them at the moment.

I planted hellebores in late summer and they've just started to look like they have established themselves. Maybe next winter will produce some welcome blooms.
Tulips are on their way in the pots.
There's lots more to tell, we headed out a couple of times with all the spring highlights to sort through.
How was your weekend?
Take care,

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