On the landscape

Monday, April 08, 2019

There is a cross between lots happening and no much at all on the landscape. Most of the trees are still not in leaf! Yet there are little signs everywhere and of course the eruption of wildflowers and blossoms.

White dead nettle out above and below a huge comfrey I think.

Dandelions everywhere now and the first sighting of honesty in flower, two tiny flowers in a very sheltered spot.

Primroses out all along banks.
Huge leaves of something below...

Yet in some places the winter landscape looks completely unchanged.

reeds getting set for spring growth with fresh shoots here and there.

Hairy catkins
Three ducks in flight
Blossom, so dainty and elegant.

With these sharp frosts the last few mornings it's hard to tell if it's ice or blossom in some spots!

In a few places there's a boom of ground ivy in flower. The colour of the flowers is so strong at a distance it makes a purple-blue haze.

Green alkanet (even though it's blue) and gorgeous pink blossoms...
Take care,

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