Cowling in the corner
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
It was that cold on Saturday morning that all concern turned to keeping warm on our trip to the shops. Long boots, thermal tights, long dress, jumper and countless layers underneath was the answer (plus a coat outside, of course). This dress is one I've owned for a few years and do wear on the odd occasion but the curious print mix puts me off it - but was actually the reason I bought it in the first place. A monochrome palette with spots turning to stripes is a strange look. The pockets, stretchy comfortable fit and cowl neck add to the oddity of it. It's what I would call a comfy option when you lose the will to care if anyone (including myself) thinks it's weird. The sparkly petrol blue jumper covers most of the print and the end result is better than expected.
Sunday was even colder so I wore the ghastly dog walking/gardening clothes all day and felt foul but warm. I nearly left it as 'fowl' before realising my error. No ducks were harmed in the making of Sunday.
Stay toasty,
Sunday was even colder so I wore the ghastly dog walking/gardening clothes all day and felt foul but warm. I nearly left it as 'fowl' before realising my error. No ducks were harmed in the making of Sunday.
Stay toasty,