When snow fell in January

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

I can't lie, I felt dreadful on Sunday morning in direct correlation to how I overdid things Saturday night; copious water and buttery crumpets did little to bring me round. A drive out to pick up a chest freezer was on the cards, with snow falling I was glad to be wrapped up in the passenger seat. Along with a bag of compost and two oops shelf primroses in tow we headed home. Much as I usually hate snow, it wasn't settling on the road but instead caught on every bough, branch and twig, making the trees suddenly transform from stark to enchanting in a flurry.
By the time we'd eaten some lunch I wanted a short trip out to scavenge some catkin-adorned branches of hazel to pop in some vases as the house is devoid of all blooms at preset. The snow fell in a gentle manner, I found plenty of branches, snapped some pictures and breathed.
By the time we returned home I felt so much better. After filling three vessels with branches and having a tidy up I set about making more soups to use up allotment produce and fridge leftovers. The afternoon restored me with it's tender mix of rest, fresh air, indoor warmth and steady progress. Plus I now have enough soup in the freezer to keep us going a few weeks. Over the course of the weekend I made spiced pumpkin, parsnip, general mixed vegetable along with a mix of celeriac, parsnip and potato. A pumpkin cake was baked as well, most of which has been stashed away in the freezer before I eat it.
I'll leave you with the snowy shots I took.

Have a wonderful day,

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