Cosplay party - Missy from Dr Who

Monday, March 01, 2021


The neighbours probably think I'm on the final furlong to losing my residual marbles after this episode. Rearranging my patio and setting up a makeshift camera stand teetering on the edge of the pond and stomping around in boots, waving a brolly and having my hair pinned up with an uncharacteristic lashing of red lipstick.... All in the name of a party. It's Kezzie's big milestone birthday party post in which I agreed to partake in her dressing up party. Kezzie loves to Cosplay Dr Who. Now, I hadn't come across the concept of Cosplay before she started posting her regular Tardis Tuesday blogs. This is most definitely a big step out of my comfort zone and in order to fulfil my promise I had a think about which character to dress up as. We do watch Dr Who although my recollection of any articular episode is minimal. Kezzie's party request was for us to dress up as one of the characters from the show using only what we had. After a bit of a ponder, I didn't feel like I had much that would be recognisable and I did want to make it fun. A brainwave later and I decided that Missy, one of the incarnations of the Master was going to be not only likely to be recognisable, but fun too. 

Missy is one of those tearaway characters who although obviously a 'baddy' has a fair bit of swagger. She has her hair a couple of different ways and mine was a hybrid of both. My jacket is dark red but close enough. Shirt. Purple skirt. I used a necklace along similar lines to her Cameo (seen below)
There was a full length shot of Missy but I couldn't download it so figured they didn't want it re-used anyway. 


I held a coaster. C mocked me. 

Brolly with handle. Spikey necklace worn as spikey bracelet. Bangle.

It's much harder than you expect to re-create any looks and postures. I was wondering about wich show I would like to dress up as the characters from and my almost immediate answer was Buffy the Vampire Slayer which was such an awesme show; think of all those late 90's, early 00's outfits. So cool. 
Which show would you re-create the outfits from? (If pressured to choose?)

Happy birthday Kezzie! I hope you enjoy your Cosplay party!

Take care,

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