Thursford Wood in early May

Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Over the bank holiday weekend we got out and about an awful lot. The wall to wall blue skies meant that idyllic conditions for a gentle wander and on Sunday I got it into my head we should visit Thursford Wood. The main drawback is that there is a minute amount of parking and the access is off a busy road. I dozed off in the passenger seat and was woken up shortly before arrival. Parking was a nuisance due to others having lacked consideration when leaving their tin boxes on wheels but eventually we camera'd up and set off down one of the paths.

There is a sort of & shape route to walk and it's not especially long, though perfect if you like to walk very slowly like me in an attempt to spy all the things that normally get missed. If it weren't for the loud traffic noise it would have been heavenly. As the leaves were partially out it meant that level of light on the forest floor was much higher than usual.
Butterflies tormented me by fluttering by and failing to land. Orange tips never touch down at all! Infuriating. It would explain why I do not have a photograph of that species! This is tricky to identify though based on the fact it's on garlic mustard I would strongly guess it's a green veined white. Second guess would be a large white.

Wood sorrel! We saw plenty of leaves and a few delicate flowers. I can't belive I'd never noticed it before.

The rhododendrons were starting to flower (dark pink flowers) but these pale pink beauties could be azalea???

 Bluebells in bloom all around while ferns unfurl here and there.

Above, I couldn't get any closer but I'll guess Cuckoo flower.
Below: wood anemone is bloom!

Bluebells and greater stitchwort together.

I'm starting to sound like a broken record (sorry!) but I've been named as a finalist for the Country Style Blog Award and this is your chance to vote for me! So many people have already cast their votes and I'd like to say a huge thank you for all your support it really does mean masses to me.

Take care,

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