Nothing pressing

Monday, January 06, 2020

There's been a lot of wandering going on over the festive break in places both old and new. There are walks that we return to over and over both out of enjoyment or proximity but it's always good to widen the repertoire if at all practical. Having multiple days off on the trot with nothing pressing to tend to is unheard of at any other time of year and I've become more protective of this precious time.
However, almost without exception the landscapes have been at their most bleak; colourless and muddy with next to no light whatsoever, hardly a glowing recommendation to return. And yet!!
And yet we shall. Somehow, we found several places which piqued our interest and I long to return.

Such drab days where the mist hung in the air and the sun made no efforts to shine. It was almost as if time stood still. Not a breath of wind nor drop of rain. Just ticking seconds of nothingness, the great wait.

Navigating round the squelchiest parts of the track was tricky, especially with a camera.

See, I told you yellow brain fungus is everywhere.

Frilly log fungus.

I suspect in spring there may well be more to show for itself. A long walk without the fear of encountering bovine is a rare treat, so we shall see what the future holds for this new one.

PS. First full week back at work - doom. Counting down to the weekend! Although the good news is that I already have most of January's content more or less catered for. So much to share.

Take care,

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