Drip drip drop

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

I missed a beat yesterday, which was annoying. I've got a few images ready to upload but as usual time ran away from me and before I knew it there was none left to be used.
The news is all terrifying. From my point of view, most of what I do won't be effected except for cancelling a few plans. It's good to know that through our preserving we already have a self made larder to draw from if things get tight. I really liked Hazel's recent post about what to do which put a smile on my face. If we're in this for the long haul then our growing plans are most important than ever. If you have the capacity to grow anything for yourself and others then now is the time to get organised - it could be a lifeline to come in the months ahead.
Whilst mainstream media looks bleak as heck there is immense optimism, joy and heartwarming nuggets to be found elsewhere. I strongly urge you to try Virgin Radio UK (ask your Alexa or equivalent) as the statition plays not only a strong collection of music but there's such amazing content, especially from the Chris Evans Breakfast Show.
The incentives on social media to support others and shopping indie are also lovely to hear.
In the mean time it feels more poignant than ever to share my favourite pictures, especially for those who might not be able to get out at this time. Spring is on it's way, the signs are everywhere now.

It wouldn't be my blog without some fungus - yet this honestly looks like tree puke. No idea what's happened here.
Quite revolting really.

Take good care of yourself,

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