A new start in 2019
Wednesday, January 02, 2019
The first day back to reality for me and as I type this (last night) it seems an unfathomable step into 'the norm'. Having enjoyed so much free time over the past fortnight I've no idea how to re-adjust to the normal routine, one that doesn't involve copious cheese and chocolate and gallivanting here and there on a whim. Nevertheless, it all has to be packed away at some point and although the decorations are still up (oh doom, that's going to be a job to disassemble) the reality of back-to-work is not going to wait. Has it been brilliant? Oh yes!
A style post. One of quite a few to come as I aimed to snap one a day on our jaunts out and mostly succeeded. The mild weather meant whipping off my coat for approximately 120 seconds of snapping felt like no great strain. I'm wearing a stripy knit dress which has 3/4 length sleeves an although this would be fine in spring or early autumn it's inadequate for last dying days of December so I cunningly layered a fuchsia top beneath. Yes, it clashes, but pleasantly.
Feeling so happy lately and dressing in pretty clothes is super fun.
Two minute little pockets to the front. I wonder who thought these would be any use at all? They aren't quite large enough for my fists and the weight of any coinage would weigh down the fabric. Anything bulky would look unsightly to the front so???
2019 gives us a new start and thank goodness for that. A clean slate is just what we need.
Take care,
A style post. One of quite a few to come as I aimed to snap one a day on our jaunts out and mostly succeeded. The mild weather meant whipping off my coat for approximately 120 seconds of snapping felt like no great strain. I'm wearing a stripy knit dress which has 3/4 length sleeves an although this would be fine in spring or early autumn it's inadequate for last dying days of December so I cunningly layered a fuchsia top beneath. Yes, it clashes, but pleasantly.
Feeling so happy lately and dressing in pretty clothes is super fun.
Two minute little pockets to the front. I wonder who thought these would be any use at all? They aren't quite large enough for my fists and the weight of any coinage would weigh down the fabric. Anything bulky would look unsightly to the front so???
2019 gives us a new start and thank goodness for that. A clean slate is just what we need.
Take care,