Yellow brain fungus

Friday, January 11, 2019

I present to you one of the most interesting finds that has caught my attention: Yellow Brain Fungus!
Once again I feel it necessary to point out that I am not an expert, just an enthusiast and therefore my word is by no means gospel. It was on Boxing day I first saw one and the split second after I exclaimed in excitement it struck me that once again it was probably either litter, trick of the light or some other rational alternative. A yellow scrunchie was what sprung to mind although considering how tricky it is to find them in any colours other than black or brown the likelihood of a mustard yellow specimen being perched on a tree branch was slim.
I'm fascinated. Isn't it weird and wonderful? The colour alone is so bold and disturbing.

I've seen it in two separate locations now, several miles apart but both on living oak trees. This portion must have fallen off it's host.

I guess the fungi starts small and darker orange then gets lighter as it grows. The latin name is Tremella Mesenterica but the common name of 'yellow brain fungus' sums it up nicely. A gelatinous mass of irregular folds which looks freakishly like brain. It's a bit gross really.

Have you ever seen yellow brain fungus?
Take care,

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